
  • 3220E8B3-B39D-4F2E-A5DF-C2D70E8055CB

Embryo Ash cremation service

$ 696.00

Australian dollar ($) - AUD
  • Australian dollar ($) - AUD
  • United States dollar ($) - USD
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP



We help commemorate and honour your IVF journey by offering a specialised service that includes cremation of stored Embryos, typically to be embedded into jewellery or keepsakes.
Some people find it relatively simple to decide what to do with unused embryos. Others find the decision challenging and distressing and would prefer not to have to make a decision at all.
Many find they are choosing the least uncomfortable option, rather than making a positive decision. It is a very personal decision that may challenge your ethical or religious views and ideas about the significance of embryos.
When you started IVF treatment, you may not have thought about unused embryos, your views may have changed over time or since having children.

Your End Of IVF Options Considered

When you have reached the end of your IVF journey, your clinic will ask what you would like to do with your unused embryos which will usually be;
  • Medically disposing of the embryos
  • Allowing the embryos to be used for research 
  • Donating the embryos to another person or couple.
  • ?Applying for permission to continue to store the embryos
  • ?OR cremating your embryos and turning into beautiful jewellry, keepsakes or trinkets.
Most people (and clinics) are simply not aware that cremation is an available option. Which is why we’re here to simply help spread the word and offer information to those who would like to learn more.

What You Can Do With Your Ashes

Choosing to have your embryos cremated opens a whole new world of beautiful and exciting possibilities and bring closure to your journey through a beautiful keepsake, piece of jewellery, trinket, urn, combine with a tree seed, the choice is yours!

“We had been on a six-year journey of IVF. My embryos were my babies – frozen in time. When we completed our family, it wasn’t in my heart to destroy them. Now they are forever with me in a beautiful keepsake.”

— Belinda Stafford

Get The Peace And Closure You Deserve Of Your IVF Chapter


If you decide to go ahead, we’ll provide you with all the right clinical forms and procedures. When you purchase this service you will be able to download the paperwork you need to complete the release of your embryos from the clinic.

What you get:

  • Honour your unsung legacy and journey of IVF
  • Pure cremation of your Embryo Straws, resulting in the unique creation of your custom Embryo Ash
  • An ethical option for families
  • Lay tribute to your journey; celebrate your successes and/or grieve your losses
  • Take the power to reclaim and commemorate in a way you choose to
  • Acknowledge the miracle, magic, mystery and science that IVF deserves
When you purchase this service you will receive a template letter which you can personalise and send to your IVF clinic to commence the process. Once you have the straws released you can post them to us: PO BOX 1417, Baulkham Hills NSW 1755. Please include your name and your order number and send your precious parcel with tracking features so we can track it at any time. This service is for the medical cremation service only. Does not include any jewellery. If you would like a keepsake made you can purchase separate the piece you are after.